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Who I Am.....

I AM - Female

I AM - Middle Aged

I AM - A Wife

I AM - A Mom

I AM - A full time working professional 

I AM - a College Graduate and have an MBA 

I AM - Chunky 

I AM - Trying to lose weight

I AM - a Woman of Faith

I AM - Slightly freaking out over the fact that time is flying by at an alarming speed, I can barely remember what day it is or what time I'm supposed to be where. Someday my kids may realize I have no idea what I'm doing.   I'm sure my husband could do better right?  My chunky butt needs to stop eating.  Do I work to much because I'm depressed?  I can not believe how fast the day went.  Man, that cookie looks good.  How much more do I need to lose?  Where did I put my phone? I need to get back to Tina.  Church is tomorrow and we need to set the clocks back right?

I AM - pulling myself back together

I AM - challenging myself to do scary things

I AM - being venerable and open to change which is the scariest thing of all. 


I AM - excited to see what I can do...... Did I order that kid bigger under ware?



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